
Set fire to executives, you say? On it!

This is the same reasoning as people who complain about paying Capital Gains Taxes.  It is amazing how often I have to remind people that taxes on gains are better than tax breaks on losses.

This dude and Elon are in a never-ending slapfight to determine the most awful person in the world.

Fire some never working ‘executives’ and really start saving money.

Hey, if WBD is looking to save a little more money by not paying people, I’ve got one doozy of a suggestion

Especially in the light of the success of EEAAO — two of the three action leads were women, and it had no trouble drawing an audience and winning tons of awards. Also Fury Road, Kill Bill, Aliens...

I kind of get her point though especially the “but could we have an ad during the baseball playoffs?” question. Maybe men didn’t/don’t go see women in action movies because they’re not advertised as being “for men”, whatever that means.

“I just loved the franchise...”

Elizabeth Banks, 2019:

Someone calling themself “superepicfluffynerfherder” has whimsicality issues?

All I thought at the end was another fuck up on board the Enterprise and what should be another black mark on Pike’s record but of course will not. He just blew up a duterium processing facility based on an ensign hearing voices. Last season he got his ship stolen by pirates! Now he can’t even safely transport an

I watched this back to back with Those Old Scientists and HOLY SHIT what a tonal whiplash. I loved how they both told very effective emotional stories in two different genres. I really do love what SNW is doing with the platform. 

It reminded me of “The Conscience of the King” also. Surprised Whitbrook didn’t mention the obvious parallels and even said “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ fondness for exploring old ideas and structures doesn’t just rely on an affection for the original Star Trek.”  Maybe he hasn’t watched the original series?

We get it, James.  You do not like episodic storytelling.  Can you accept that SNW is episodic and move past that?  Some of us are sick of serialized television.

Data tried to straight-up murder a guy in cold blood, was only stopped by a beam-out and then blatantly lied about it to Picard, and he absolutely was not malfunctioning or under some external control at the time.

And Ben Sisko blew up a Romulan Ambassador, lied and got away with it.

All he needs is some tranya and we’ve come full circle!

The episode gave me vibes of the original series episode “The Conscience of the King”, where the Shakespeare troop is led by a kindly old man who turns out to be a notorious killer named Kodos the Executioner and the people who were around to witness that had a lot of PTSD being around him. The M’Benga twist at the

I love that he’s become kind of an unofficial recurring presence for the franchise.

I think Brendan Jeffers should get a shout here as the doomed Ensign Inman. His two scenes with Babs Olusanmokun were highlights for me.

And hey, Cliff Howard sighting!