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Guacamelee 2 will release August 21st. The sequel was first announced at Paris Games Week last year.

That sounds perfect. Work has been pretty stressful recently, so this might be just what I need instead of shooting cultists in Far Cry 5's Montana.

Fortnite’s Playground Mode returns this week on July 25. The low-key sandbox mode had its fair share of technical issues when it debuted late last month, but Epic Games appears to have them all figured out now. Squad battle, ATV vehicles, and more will be added, with full 5.10 patch notes coming soon.

After Warmind, I’m not going back to Destiny. Between Monster Hunter World and Warframe, the itch that it used to scratch is well taken care of.

The rest of my year is all Spider-Man, Tomb Raider, and Red Dead.

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Stardew Valley’s multiplayer will officially go live for PC on August 1, with console multiplayer to follow in the future. Enjoy the new trailer, featuring farms that look way, way nicer than yours ever will.

Maybe it’s 50-60 hours if you don’t use fast travel? The chapters are all very short, in large part because they all follow the exact same formula (town -> cutscenes -> one dungeon -> boss) as mentioned above.

And decorate them in edgy colors to match our frames!

We already can walk around inside of our ships too.

Bloody Warframe is getting pilotable ships, meanwhile Destiny’s ships continue to act as loading screens. 

Side-scrolling action adventure game Chasm will finally see the light of day on July 31 on PS4, Vita, and PC. Kickstarted back in 2013, the game was plagued with delays for years—until now. Its beautiful pixel art will be available on Vita with Cross-buy on PS4, because what’s dead my never die.

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Warframe is coming to the Switch, but there is no announced release date. The trailer specifically highlights a co-op mode, although there are no details on how that works as of yet. The game is currently available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

I know I’ve gotten several games through Twitch Prime, and wanted several of them, but haven’t played any yet because they aren’t through steam either. I might add them as “non-steam games” eventually though.

Just add them to your steam library

This is what I particularly appreciate about this kiss - romantic plot lines in games usually strike me as forced and shoe horned without any real point. This works BEAUTIFULLY as a framing device for the game’s brutality. ‘They should be very, very scared of you.’ Yuuuuuuup!