
Fuck anyone and everyone trying to drag his name through the mud on the day that he fucking died. Regardless of what you think about him, show some compassion and human decency. I hope none of you are ever unfortunate enough to become terminally ill and leave your family behind. If you don’t have anything productive

By contributing in material and intentional ways to a disgusting campaign of misogyny and racism that scarred the industry forever, obviously.

Is now REALLY the fucking time for this?

RIP Totalbiscuit.

Fuck. Cancer.

Damn. He practically changed gaming. What a legend. At least the pain is over.

Fuck cancer.

plenty of games run way better on the pro especially with boost mode for older games that don’t support it officially. Also the games that give you the option it does make a huge difference. Also the overall OS runs much snappier on the pro than the standard ps4. And if you do anything with PSVR it’s better as well.