
Well, doesn’t that just make your skin crawl.

Yes, yes, and yes. HZD is probably my favorite PlayStation game of all time. I can’t wait till the story continues.

If you do, I highly suggest you also get Horizon Zero Dawn. That game was incredible all around.

I’m a huge Far Cry fan, but that’s pretty much a Far Cry game. They’re repetitive.

Okay, this getting ridiculous... Sony shouldn’t be winning over Microsoft this hard nor this easy:

Call me crazy, but I prefer to support content I consume. If you block ads they don’t load, and the creators don’t get any revenue from them being displayed. I used to write for a website that made most of it’s revenue from ads, and that revenue took a sharp decline when adblockers became popular.

How dare they use ads to fund free content!

The Kinja ads completely destroy what is otherwise a really nicely designed and well-written review. I counted 8, middle-of-the-content ads, 2 or 3 of which were incredibly distracting autoplaying videos. Come on guys... I really want to support long-form content like this, but I’m really close to enabling adblock