
Wait, what happened to the usual summary box for Kotaku reviews? The one with “What I liked/What I didn’t like”, playtime, and short answer review?

Not that I don’t mind the extensive review, but sometimes for some games I just want a short snippet instead of reading a lengthy, possibly spoiler-y review.

I will almost certainly play this, though I wish it were coming to Switch

you’re an idiot. Of course he’s not saying it’s good the EVENT happened. He’s saying it’s good the STORY came out and wasn’t able to be buried because the guy had money and industry connections.

Co-creator of Counter Strike one of the most popular and well known video games in the competitive scene. Even if you don’t know the name, you know the work.

Question: why are you at this site dedicated to covering video games and video game related culture?

because working on “art” is much more exciting (for many) than working on “non-creative” projects