
but on Nintendo we got cheerleaders

except when none of your friends play on pc and they lied about crossplay and you can’t play gears 4 competitively with xbone friends

one of the other comments made me realize another reason I tend to play other consoles rather than pc that I didn’t think of when I first wrote this. Barely any of my friends game on pc so that’s another major reason why I game more often on consoles. Sadly I use my pc for kodi more than gaming

the steamlink is pretty cool. Sadly I mostly use it to stream kodi from my pc since it’s much more stable/reliable than say an amazong firestick. I still want to get used to the steam controller and I think it’s great but it’s hard sometimes when you’re so used to a traditional controller. For the price and what it

not entirely true. Many of my friends don’t have gaming pc’s so if I wanna play games with them I need to be on the platform them have. I thought this wasn’t the case b/c of the crossplay feature but gears 4 actually limits you so pc and xbone players can’t play competitive multiplayer together.

world of goo irl

world of goo irl

I just thought it was a step forward for consoles to actually have this available and I was hoping it would be successful and pave the way for other games to offer this. I guess it’s still a step forward for xbox one at least. I just prefer my ps4 over my pc and I have played modded skyrim on my pc but I got fallout4

maybe we could start one of those online petitions?

wow so I have a gaming pc but tend to play consoles b/c it’s easier to game in the living room. I do have the steam link and steam controller. I also have an xbox one, ps4 and wiiU.

I actually really enjoyed my ps4 but the xbox one is looking more and more attractive after all these disappointments. Wtf is sony doing

it’s like nintendo just loves failing. The core feature of the game is missing.

sort of represents society. We are traveling lightspeed towards idiocracy. Everything is simplified and dumbed down. I do enjoy the shows but wow the animation sure has changed.


yeah I’m enjoying it as well. I basically saw this game as endless ocean in space. Just a chill relaxed experience where I could go to planet to planet with nothing forcing me to do anything specific really but just enjoy the planets and relax after a hard day of work.

or does the media mislead also?

don’t be embarassed man it’s an amazing game, I’ve watched many of the leaked streams and I’m still just as excited. I have even been having dreams about the game. It’s actually something next gen and not just the same turd polished again year after year. If the game succeeds we could see tech like this in other

it’s amazing what you can do with procedural textures and animations and procedural everything. Apparently the audio is what takes up a good portion of the 6 gigs they said

do you think the NX will be the death of Nintendo. As someone who has to drive everywhere I go and my only time I get to play games is when I’m home, the whole take it anywhere with you feature has zero appeal for someone like me

:( welp I was hoping the nx was going to be this beast of a system that the new zelda would shine on but if this is true then my hopes and dreams are shattered

if average is terrible that doesn’t mean it’s not terrible. Name another app that you use on a daily basis that you have to close out constantly and restart to get it working again.

Sadly I’ve only beaten infinite. Played all three. This might be just what I need