yeah it’s worse than what they pulled with watchdogs. I mean this is supposedly after 7 days. I guess they spent 3 years making it crappier?
yeah it’s worse than what they pulled with watchdogs. I mean this is supposedly after 7 days. I guess they spent 3 years making it crappier?
I played it a little while ago and at launch and they improved alot of things. It’s much more fast paced now. Also I was playing with a controller against mouse and keyboard players on the pc and didn’t spend any real money and was able to be in the top 3 of the match sometimes #1. I was playing in my living room so…
played it for around an hour last night when it came out and it felt just like the first game which I liked. So I haven’t had any issues with the game so far. never played the game for story in the first place so that’s not an issue for me
I dunno if anyone here watches the show “The 100" but the main character keeps reminding me of Octavia. The game looks amzing
man I was super excited for this and I guess I still can be b/c I’ve loved the saints row games. But This trailer is over 4 minutes and I really have no idea what the game actually is. I’m guessing some type of m-rated hero shooter but I don’t know if that’s true or not.
I am currently playing it on ps4 b/c a friend of mine I thought was going to play with me but they haven’t been playing lately so that was dissapointing haha. I have been thinking about picking it up on pc if it goes on sale again because I like the game that much I think it’s worth it
I was never into the traditional style moba games like league and dota mostly b/c I got tired of games where I’m just clicking I prefer more control over my character which was what led me to enjoy smite.
I have never played super monday night combat but a lot of people have made comparisons to that game.
I feel the…
oh wow you have to be online to play the single player. I will admit I’ve barely touched the single player story missions and mostly focused on pvp. I did see there is an option to play solo with bots and I used that once to test out a character before playing them in pvp online. It would seem silly that you would…
yeah I have put way more hours into battleborn betas and retail. Only played the beta of overwatch so I haven’t got to know the characters of overwatch as much. Do the characters in overwatch talk about the enemy characters? That’s one thing I enjoy in battleborn is the characters call out other characters like one…
yeah I almost got my wife to play. She has seen me playing it and asked is this a game I can play with you. Then something happened and it hasn’t been brought up again. I think I might need to mention to her that we can play splitscreen.
that is very true. I don’t hate overwatch, I played the beta and I had a fun time with it. Probably put in 20-30 hours and had my fun. I just couldn’t see myself playing over a long period of time. I enjoy most of blizzards games even though I’ve never played wow I have played all their other games.
I was pleased to see battleborn on here. I love the game and understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and people are busy playing overwatch but I still have fun with the game and am excited for new characters and future developments.
thank you for sharing this. While it is horrible people are hating on you for delivering information. I am glad to be aware of these horrible individuals. It blows my mind how hateful people get on the internet sometimes. I was sad by the news but in no way was thinking about committing violent acts because of it. I…
this makes me sad b/c I was really excited and thought it was too good to be true that it was coming out in less than a month. But I am also happy that they are getting the time needed and not being forced to release an unfinished product. I guess it gives me time to play other games b/c I figured once no man’s sky…
you’re right. under further investigation I found that out.
and this
man what happened to this
I hate how these amazon sales are only on the physical copy for consoles. I don’t want to wait for the disc I want an instant digital code. I don’t understand why the physical disc costs less
I hate how these amazon sales are only on the physical copy for consoles. I don’t want to wait for the disc I want…
Lol yeah something about it just keeps you coming back. Very Well made game
whoa do these secretly reveal some unreleased upcoming characters... if so this is awesome