

I went with a Japanese import Slim... No regrets! The battery life is obscene, especially for traveling.

We’ll have him “Dammit, Ellen”ing in no time.

Don’t do what well-meaning commenter #115 is suggesting. The G5 is a piece of crap. Samsung, Nexus, HTC and Oneplus are the big players (honorable mention for Sony, their Z5 Compact was phenomenal).

What the hell kind of system ships with two Kepler laptop cards in SLI anyways? o_O

Steam! You can play it for less than two hours and get a refund if it just doesn’t work out for you.

Neither, go back and get BF4 or Black Ops 3. :l

is SoflamGuidedShell 4 an acceptable title for Battlefield 4, then?

Well done, and good health to you. Hope to see more writing by you here another time (despite most of them not being to my taste; I suspect we’re polar opposites in gaming tastes!).

Well done. :P

Gmod will crash like crazy on weaker graphics, if he plans to play on public servers. Also, I meant 970m :| a 960m will handle it, I guess. Mine does.

Gmod will crash like crazy on weaker graphics, if he plans to play on public servers. Also, I meant 970m :| a 960m

M cards are discontinued. OP would be better off either waiting for a full size 1060 laptop, or going for a 970.

M cards are discontinued. OP would be better off either waiting for a full size 1060 laptop, or going for a 970.

Haha yeah, I can certainly see where you’re coming from! But building my own PC has been a long time coming, and no better time to do it than now.

Well, yeah, I’m kinda annoyed. But I’m not furious, or something. I’ll just broaden my horizons through different platforms. I’m not smashing my console, or something. Many commenters replying to my post seem to suppose that I’m cutting their beloved systems out of their life. I’m not. But if there’s going to be power

I’m not angry. And many components of a PC are inelastic in utility. I could buy a skylake CPU and upgrade that in four years. Same with RAM. A GTX 1070 will run games at 1080p60 for at least two and a half more years.

I was planning on an RVZ02 with a blower-style GTX 1070 (a 1060 cut it a bit too close on ultra in benchmarks). From what I’ve read, it seems manageable. In all likelihood, I’ll be going with a GSYNC 1080p (or 1440p) display, so high frame rates and stability are my first priority, while having the staying power for

Gah..I know you’re right, and there will likely be an upheaval in PC CPU technology soon. I’ve waited so long on this.

Yup! There’s no way I’m getting rid of my consoles. With any luck, pressure from consumers (hah) will change that, at least a little bit.

Hey, as long as she doesn’t put it in her buttered noodles, I don’t care what she does with it.

Point taken! The flash sales have been pretty great, especially on Vita.