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Quite_well_stocked's account has been hacked by a member of Anonymous, code named Sun and Moon. He is Legion.

Okay, I'll bite. Who's that guy?

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I present to you 'Auto-soccer'. This is from a German network. The host always does wacky contests. He's also got a celebrity high-diving competition (which is good for laughs, cause celebs aren't usually versed in the subtle nuances of diving from a 35 foot board), celeb demolition derby, and a Wok race on a luge

Wow. Cheers to one of the slowest and most annoying sounding vehicles in recent history.

Signed into a chatroom without masking his IP, in case you didn't hear yet...

I'm not trying to troll here, but he put himself at risk when he became a criminal. And by putting himself at risk, he also put his future with his children at risk.

I doubt he'll get off scott free, but with a reduced sentence and good behavior he might be out in 5 years, but I'd be surprised if he's ever allowed to use a computer again.

Great. *sarcasm.

Seconded. Lapse it rocks. Easy to use, beautiful results.

I'd buy it if you were talking crank or something cut, but pure meth... I dunno. Pics or it didn't happen. ;-)

Yeah, I'm not stupid. That was in 1996-97. I haven't even smoked pot in 6 months, now. I can even piss clean. No contraband and no worries. :)

Street value, when sold /gram. Maybe, but that sounds like a high end estimate. Wholesale, it's much cheaper.

Or it might just crash into you while you're sleeping...

So, it was only your 2nd time flying one of these?

Naked-horseface-man sooooo disagrees with you, and resents you for this comment because it makes him feel abnormal.

Probably not. Typically customs will check mail packages which cross borders. My guess is that the Chinese government would have thought of that, and probably check stuff coming into the mainland.



I was just thinking the same. NEAR Field Comm requires the device to pass within a certain proximity.