
Wow. Quality journalism, right there. So you’re a professional writer, like you get paid for drivel like this...or paid per click?
Clickbait much? It’s like race-baiting someone but for clicks. What a shame, to sell your race for isn’t that a part of your identity?
I find this no less offensive than if it

I saw this last week. I live in Germany (Braunschweig) where this license plate is from (BS prefix). It’s cool to know how it came to be. I was wondering when I saw it, because the “e” logo in eKäfer (translated eBeetle in case anyone is wondering) looks very official and similar to the other “e” models coming from

Translates to ‘defense-power’. The ‘h’ is important. :)

Pictures can be faked, edited and/or photoshopped...
Pics are not hard evidence.

Concur. I counted too.

F*cking Paul. :-/
Kick rocks, Paul.

This is a false equivalency.
A hat is a hat.
It’d be different if the guy was throwing a salute and screaming “Sieg Heil!” But obviously that wasn’t happening.
I don’t like Trump. I think he’s damaging to America’s reputation on a whole. And I don’t agree with the majority of his policy decisions...
But the MAGA hat is

I totally agree with you, and I’ve been an avid rooter since the Galaxy S2.
But I wanted to point out that the Note8, if rooted, only charges to 80% capacity...making this ‘small caveat’ an even bigger clusterf*ck.
If you root, just for this potential fix to a potential battery problem, you’re basically cutting 20% out

But if I root, I’ll only get 80% charge out of a full battery...not so much a solution really

But the good news is that if you change your mind, you could just lay down for a nap. The rest will take care of itself.

Yeah, bad example. I was just reminded of this one because of the common quadrotor denominator. But I think my point stands. FPSR has better hardware, and the guy knows his shit. Richard Ryan's vids are also cool, too, but he lacks experience and subject knowledge...he's just played a lot of video games.

I would rock this. But, seriously...why wasn't the Boba Fett or the Stormtrooper hoodie (see below) featured in this write-up, or at least in a gallery?

When I see stuff like this, I think of the many ways in which I've taken my life and health for granted. I feel sometimes like I've wasted a gift that this kid might not ever get the chance to even have.

I bet you think Han fired first, too... ;)

To be fair:

Guess he's upset about getting dicked over.

Meanwhile, in other investigation into the rapidly rising obesity rates in termites in the immediate surrounding areas has been launched by a crack team of entomologists.

I lol'ed at 'the filling process looks like pooping into a used condom'.