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I'll just leave this here. This is what I thought of...

I'm not sure how to feel about this. As a(n expatriated) Floridian, I can totally understand the justification. Mosquitoes suck. Period.

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For some reason this reminded me of one of my all time favorite videos. Enjoy.

Alana, this one's for you!!! :D

I can only assume he's set it to private to avoid fallout from his boss and the higher-ups.

The headline kinda implies that Crocs aren't sandals...or aren't that ugly?

Glad you enjoyed. Honestly, I've no clue. It's just an image I dug up somewhere, my guess...Photoshop.

His retaliation pic.

My personal favorite. Multi-pissers.

When will it stop?

I could do this all day...

He wasn't the only one to piss, just the only one to get pissed.

I was wondering how long this would fly here in the EU. Germans, especially, are a bit over-protective when it comes to data protection issues.

But is it as effective as a camel standing beside a donkey?

@0:34 Best part of the video:

I see what you did there.

Absolute worst case scenario, spontaneous combustion...worst case scenario.

My guess would be that the difference is the word 'internal'. It would then appear that they won't sell your data as advert fodder, but my use it 'in-house'.

They should include a womprat in the video, for displaying scale.

It will make you WIN!! AT YELLING!!!