Baron Von Costume

Lack of Wendy's Spicy Chicken renders this list unacceptable.

Got to love how there's this giant discussion about the direction of the site and they almost immediately follow it up by launching this 'feature'

He's pretty much a master of voice work, I imagine his Tick voice will be pretty great.

I guess this is price Canada pays for getting The Force Awakens on Netflix

What a fantastic interview, fave recent RR for sure.

"The trio might be the first Lego to leave orbit—Juno’s 2011 launch pre-dates Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen bringing a number of the plastic blocks with him when he journeyed to the International Space Station in 2015."

I would love to disable my ad blocker for you guys. I tried to leave it off, I really did. Unfortunately your ad provider can't optimise their code for crap and ads often cause big memory leaks and at times in the past has been outright malicious to the point where I've gotten a visit from my group's security wing re:

I believe his father was actually adopted into the clan in question (as part of his attempt at reconciliation with first nations after being a bastard to us :p)


some of them have a whisky drink, others have a lager drink.

Yes, also the boxing getup is clearly the writer being inspired by his charity bout with Brazeau not by him doing yoga.

Agreed, I'm sorry to hear that. God I miss old TV Club.

I can, but that's because I'm not a penniless hippie!

Will didn't do this RR.

Indiana Jones and the Right Blinker of Eternity

Yeah, that's also the point at which I stopped buying the DVDs.

There's really no reason to go for that big an SSD though. Throw your core apps on there, whatever the current couple games are that you're mostly playing and you're good with a much smaller (and massively cheaper) drive.

I've always loved that one but nothing to this day screams my love of final fantasy quite like The Dreadful Fight. I first played FF2/IV over at my cousin's place and nothing quite blew my mind like meeting Milon/Scarmiglione.

Literally every film role Harvey Fierstein has ever played you mean?

This interview was definitely depressing, I'd second wanting to have an expert witness with someone who was on a long time ago though.