Baron Von Costume

She also goes on about how it was "really clever" to customize the JD logo as if that isn't something that people have been doing for crappy souvenirs forever.

So what you're saying is he must have tenure.

I'm not a fan of the guy or of idol really but out of curiousity I watched the video and Seacrest clearly says that… it's not a myth :p

This seems to be a really common refrain from people who work with her and likely a big part of why she doesn't seem to work as much anymore.

Damnit Teti, stop picking the Vikes to win.

I'd watch the rifftrax version if you're going to subject yourself to it.

Yeah, what are you talking about… HOURS setting up furniture and electronics? TV/console connections are about the easiest they've ever been.

I've always found this video really fascinating… it seems like it should be simpler than it is but I find something new every time I watch it.

I'm sure there was implied (professional) before the kitchen

That's probably the number one omission to me especially with Wiig/Hader and Segel/Hader on there.

Not really. He's responsible for capturing the director's vision and perhaps injecting some of his own in where he can. He's not going out there blindly and shooting what he wants, he's working from the plans/storyboards etc that Jackson et al developed.

I loved that comment. As if someone who regularly drinks PBR should complain about beer getting stale being imported. It's 2015, they aren't arriving by clipper ship. Most euro beer probably spent about as long getting to your local store as any other mega brewer beer that isn't brewed in your state.

The maps are certainly more responsive since Google ruined theirs with that last update.

When I was choosing an instrument for band way back when I chose Trombone because Riker played it.

Well it's like Stella Artois is somehow a premium beer to morons in North America where only chavs order it in a bar in Europe.

The guy who plays Snake has been playing the same character basically my entire life, what else is the poor guy going to do?

Though actually he wasn't involved with the last few years of MASH, him and Isaacs had moved on before that and were actually involved with Cheers. They mostly did this to have a chance to work with Gelbart one of their comedy gods (since he'd been gone from MASH by the time they took over.)

To be fair if you avoid anything Kevin Anderson wrote and anything not written by Zahn since the New Jedi Order books started you get fairly good stories.

I am fast becoming a decrepit old man.

How on earth can Republic Commando be 10 years old?