Baron von Blubba

Sam Barsanti arrives on time, always has your charger type and his car smells like a spring garden.” - Uber review 6/1/2022

This might be as much solidarity for the GMG Union strike as we can get to see published.

I am tempted to be snarky about how this was just a public contract negotiation we all watched but holding out on doing something on principal only to cave because he is offered a pile of money is the most Bender thing he could have done 

Here’s a helpful reminder to never settle for less than you’re worth and to always stand up and fight for the respect that you deserve from your employers

G/O media: “I never said thankyou.”

I’ve read a lot of comments in my 8 years reading A.V. Club. Yours is the best.

“He gave us this!”

He wasn’t the film critic critic we needed, nor the one we deserved.. wait, no...dang it!

And there goes one of my main reasons for even coming here any more. Thanks Alex, you're still the greatest.

A.A. taking a bow with a solid B, on a superhero film no less? Now I’m real excited

Farewell Dowd. You and basically everyone working at this site were so much better than J/O Media deserved.

Dowd, I’m glad the last movie you reviewed for this site was a halfway decent one. I’ll miss your good work around here.

Have you seen Robert Pattinson in any non-Twilight movies?

He probably just watches it because he loves its hero Bobby Peru.

John Waters too

If I had to pick ten people currently living to live forever, David Lynch would be one of them.

there is a law of nature, a hard and fast law [for which] there are no loopholes and no escaping it, and this law is what you sow you shall reap.

Pedowitz is an ... unfortunate name.

Don’t start.