Baron von Blubba

Did he just get out of the tub?

Hey folks. I just wanted to drop in and say thank you to everyone here for all the kind words, and also for reading what I’ve written at The A.V. Club these past nine years. I know I wasn’t always the most consistent presence in the comments, even before the Kinja transition, but I dipped in fairly regularly, and for

I will say, while I appreciate any lack of histrionics over the Future of the A.V. Club As We Know It!! (and imagine it has served the old-new guard well, ha), I would point out that past incidences of major exodus were either because a bunch of writers left together to start The Dissolve, or a few instances where

I’d rather have a C+ Dowd review of a movie I liked then the crap this site seems to be moving towards. Slides shows and lazy videos about the five best sitcom themes ever that somehow doesn’t mention a sitcom made before 2000.

Just finished reading this and ...

Ugh, I’m kind of bummed to see you write this, because I feel like I’ve got one less ally. I’ve seen ‘IM3' more than once and I still hate it; it’s legitimately at the bottom of my MCU list. And I feel like I always have to take a deep breath to prepare for defending my position.

I’m just glad so many people here give an F.

A door swings open, letting a shaft of light into a cramped but cozy-feeling room. A few old lamps spill pools of yellow on the floor. The walls are lined with tapes, reels, and discs of every kind. Footsteps as a man enters the room.

Has he been retroactively named by Grimes?

I give this retrospective an A++. Gonna miss your reviews man, I respect someone who has high standards and who can be sometimes harsh. Best of luck wherever you go A+ A+ Dowd.  My heart is at a C- at best, probably a gentleman's d-

I always appreciated your reviews and I’m looking forward to reading your stuff elsewhere. Whatever my (myriad) issues with post-disqus AV Club, I thought the film coverage remained excellent and insightful. Disappointed to see yet another talented writer leave as the AV Club hastens its transformation into...I don't

A- minus reflection on a C+ review.

<3 <3 Dowd

Thanks for all the amazing work at the AV Club over the past almost 9 years Alex, and I look forward to seeing what you end up doing next.

Fwiw, I’m sorry to see you go. It does feel like the passing of an Old Guard (that I, like many around here, am watching with trepidation) and we’re losing even more tried and true talent like yourself. And I can understand where you’re coming from with the grading thing; if you only give an A sparingly, then that A

It’s only executive produced by him, and there are other EPs, so maybe it won’t be too bad?

And he never paid for drugs. Not once!

Elvis Presley has to think about his whole life before he plays...

(I wish I had the Chekhov background to catch more of that aspect)