Baron von Blubba

Some more wonderful opportunities to sully the legacy of two original and terrific films.

Law and Order: Replicant Retirement Unit

“I’ve seen things you people...probably would believe, to be fair, because we evidently haven’t had any new ideas for 40 years. Attack ships on fire off the - wait, come back! You’ll never guess who the replicant is this time! ... Huh, good guess.”

...Tom Hanks’ volleyball pal Wilson from Cast Away sold for about $385,000.

Are you sure? It’s going to be eight hours long, and it’ll be hard to tell if you came in late, or they started in the middle of a song.

What? Josh Gadd or James Corden weren’t available?

I don’t know if I’m ruining your day by telling you this, but Annabella Sciorria has spoken about how Gandolfini was very thoughtful as a scene partner when they were doing sex scenes as well as violent scenes, and she noted that this was not the norm in her experience; he was always checking with her about what he

Ok, but why is mensch in quotes?  It makes it seem like the opposite is meant, or something

Or a sex act.

Jams Gandolfini sounds like a great cover band.

My favorite IRL Gandolfini story - terrible snow storm is coming down hard on an already-burried-in-the-snow NYC. A dude is trying to drive home safe and warm and gets stuck in ice and slush in Manhattan. Wheels spinning, going nowhere. All of a sudden the car starts rocking and dude sees a random guy pushing from

I’m not endorsing piracy, but honestly, shit like this is a major reason as to why piracy still exists.

Now this is the real revival to get behind. 

Fine. As long as it’s hard sci-fi this time.

WTF is Starz lol

I’m REALLY hoping that’s the case. The show not taking itself too seriously could be on the credit side. If it was a gritty, humorless reboot it would be a lot worse. However, if it does go too far in the other direction as Barsanti says and loses what made the anime cool, then it’ll be a disappointment. Regardless, I’

Don't worry, folks. There's a good chance Barsanti's take on this is just as wrong as his take on, well, everything.

Photoshop Phriday, Comedy Goldmine

via LadyAmbien, for those in the comments who are too lazy to click on a link but still want to defend this dude:

It was called Photoshop Phriday, and it was awesome.  You know, Kotaku should have a photoshop contest!