Baron von Blubba

Hey John, are you still being held hostage? If you’re okay and being treated well, please write “Myst is a masterpiece” so we know you’re allright.

You are correct.

Fuck you Myst is good

I suppose in a sense this *is* the sequel to Disco Elysium.

I, for one, was never even expecting a sequel to Disco Elysium. I feel the game is perfect as-is and any sequel would just take away from it. No, I was hoping for something else, some other game from the same people, but...

And that’s the issue the suits often miss. You’re indie, and mega successful indie games often live or die by their creators and THEIR brand. Not the studio or the game.

Well that’s a shame, but at least we still have the first game if everything falls apart, and who knows, maybe the guys leaving can form their own company and make a new game that they control. I mean in the indie world the IP isn’t AS important as say AAA. It’s word of mouth and the people behind it.

Buy a “Capitalism sux!” shirt for only $4.99!

That’s a bummer, I loved this game.

Read about this over the weekend. It all seems tragically ironic but also, exactly the sort of thing Disco Elysium talked about, Capital absorbing it’s critiques. The bottling and selling of rebellion against itself. The anarchic-communist revolution sponsored by Pepsi.

Most of the Zachtronics catalog wasn't my thing, but I will be ever thankful for their beautiful visual novel Eliza. What a wonderful game. 🙏

It is not a secret that the right make “free speech” a very ambiguous concept, applying it when they want, and making it more ambiguous when it’s convenient to them. The point of this article is about how people with power exploit this. Throw money at the situation, buy an NDA, then start spinning the story to their

Found the Tesla owner

Good thing you didn't click on it

No love for the newer Shadowrun games? If we’re just talking tactics-style games, I have found them to be pretty great.

Same Critic Time!

You say their DVD-by-mail selection was impressive and they would arrive in a day or two.

I’m not an in-joke! I’m a human being!

Had to work the earnest farewells in somewhere!

Was dunking on Wild Wild West too easy to bother? At any rate, you’ll be missed.