Baron von Blubba

Two ducks fly over Belfast. One says “Quack”. The other says “I’m goin’ as quack as I can!”

But who would Bill Murray call when this version was on TV?

I can’t wait till he tells a rowdy patron to “Go suck a fuck!”.

Let’s not and say we did. Unless they bring back Sam Elliot. I’ll watch him in anything.

My wife and I watched this together when it aired. Anytime I’m out and I see scaffolding, I will take a picture, and send it to her with the caption “scaffolding.”

You embedded the video at 1:10.

Lucas donated most of the Disney money to charity, especially in education.

Weird seeing hate for it.

Don’t worry. Tech billionaires go into space. Movie billionaires go into the sea.

Huh. Really surprised to see a negative take on this game. It absolutely blew me away, and is slowly creeping through my friend group, doing the same thing to each and every one that finally picks it up. At least I appreciate the spoiler warning, as Inscryption is at it’s best when you go in blind knowing next to

I remember when he popped up for the first time on Battlestar Galactica. I’d already fallen in love with the show, but seeing him on-screen for the first time I went “oh, here we go...” Cavill was utterly extraordinary, especially his rant to Ellen Tigh post-Ellen’s regeneration. I’ll say this about BSG - they

Stockwell was a working actor. He worked because he enjoyed it and it always showed. He wasn’t one of those guys who sat around waiting for his big break. He showed up, did his job whether it was a central character or not and did it very well.

I watched Paris, Texas because I love the soundtrack and got sucked in completely. You know you can trust a movie that stars not one but both Deans of General Awesomeness.  RIP.

Worth noting that Battlestar Galactica: The Plan where they go back through the series from the perspective of the Cylons (and retro-fix a lot of plot holes in a fun way) was really his movie.

This hurts.  This one really hurts.  What a fun actor- it was always a treat for him to pop up, from Twilight Zone to Quantum Leap to Langoliers to BSG.  His turn in Blue Velvet is forever in memory.  

Mr. Stockwell was such an entertaining performer, and made everything he was in better. What a great career.

I liked him as Wilbur Whateley in The Dunwich Horror. Anybody who can get Yog-Sothoth to knock up Sandra Dee is okay in my Necronomicon.

Don’t worry, I’m sure they have a resurrection ship nearby.

Oh, boy.