Baron von Blubba

My 18yo daughter was at the TS show. When the surge happened she was terrified, and with the help of a friend was able to fight were way back out of the crowd. She was so upset/disturbed they left the show. Same thing happenedd to me in ‘89 at Monsters of Rock. Was about 80 feet from stage when Van Halen came on, and

This trailer, sadly, doesn’t answer the question of whether or not everyone is “Misbehavin’”.

Fill me up again, boys. I would seriously watch Danny McBride and Jody Hill bag groceries.

that would have been weird !! wish i could have seen it, sniff also. Liz becoming a member was such a great promise, and I feel like this show has become very relevan this past 2 years. Double sad. Wyatt, get proper Marvel money and make it happen !! Audio adventure even !!

Damn, that is... not what I expected him to say. Huh. Now I’m kinda glad that Dud didn’t have to go through that. But I would watch it in a second.

That’s really terrible to read. I always wondered what happened to him, I loved his work on Carnivale and Sin City. I hope he continues to do well in life, whether in movies or out of them.

Dumb choice.

We can joke but these people are running for school boards, city councils, sheriffs, judges, and as state and federal reps all over the country, sometimes unopposed. The apathy shown in Tuesday’s elections is exactly what gets them in office. We can’t let them win any of those, please vote in every election.

Got ‘im!

“Look she wasn't dangerously negligent she was just grossly incompetent! Big difference! I am a good lawyer."

If only there was someone on set whose job was to regularly check guns and ammunition and ensure that random people didn’t have access and couldn’t modify or “sabotage” equipment.

As someone who spends at least a little time each week playing video games and watching porn, it does my heart good to know that I’m a disappointment to Josh Hawley.

“A staggering 5 million Americans—more than the combined populations of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana—consume forty-five hours of video games per week,”

Because he’s a fucking sociopath like his dear old dad.

‘Deadline says Hilarious Baldwin was filming the interaction and repeatedly not to give specific details...”. Are you still drunk from the office Halloween party? 

A series of monocles popped from my eyes upon reading that sentence.

You almost have to feel bad for its deerlike main attraction, forced to shoulder the burden of multiple ills, like an all-purpose Smokey The Bear of humanity’s biggest boners.

What does he think about Ian McShane. That would be the only comment I would be interested in hearing.

Brian Cox could insult me to my face and I’d be so entranced by his rich Scottish burr voice that I wouldn’t even realize what was happening until way later.