Baron von Blubba

I liked Mother! It was weird, wild, ambitious, pretentious, and, ultimately, only semi-successful. But that’s art for you. Sometimes you gotta swing for the fences and I wish more filmmakers were willing, or able, to take those kinds of risks. And the fact that people have such passionate responses to it, even years

“The time for s’plaining has passed.”

I’m not sure there’s enough evidence in this teaser to say that she proved the naysayers wrong. I may be a naysayer, in that Nicole Kidman wouldn’t be an obvious choice for Lucy. I’d be happy to be proven wrong. For now, I will continue saying "nay." Nay, I say. Nay! 

I’d like to see Desi Arnaz blowing shit up with a blank expression.

This “article” is hard to follow for myriad reasons, not the least of which is the excessive underlining of words or phrases as links. The decline proceeds apace.

I think it’s safe to say the majority of these articles are written on smartphones.

Weird, I was just thinking about the 15 Commandments joke from that movie earlier today.

But that’s just what we all expected Nilus to say!

I nearly spit out my drink when I saw this was Canada and not like Florida or Texas.

I LOVE Michael Stuhlbarg. He’s fantastic in pretty much everything I’ve seen him in...except this.

Michael Stuhlbarg is a fantastic actor, with his Arnold Rothstein in Boardwalk Empire an instantly iconic figure holding his own easily with the instantly magnetic Steve Buscemi, followed by other great roles in the likes of Fargo, Arrival, and The Shape of Water. No idea what happened here.

Ah, yes.  The Death Star of David.

I’ve been trying to read Dune since 1986.

Much later came a 2000 TV miniseries, which is notable mostly for featuring some of the ugliest costumes to ever grace the small screen.

This movies does not have Sting in a speedo getting a steam bath and is therefore the inferior film adaptation...

It’s more like this: Hello, my name is Michael Caine.

Really hoping Michael Caine’s final role will be to turn to Cillian-Murphy-as-Robert-Oppenheimer and say, “YOU WERE ONLY SUPPOSED TO BLOW THE BLOODY DOORS OFF”

Now playing

Well, doesn’t that blow the bloody doors off!