Baron von Blubba

Record scratch

Wait what? Bioshock doesn’t give you an incentive to play how the game wants you to play?

Now that’s a fun thought experiment: Given how in love they are with hearing themselves talk/type, how many Randians/Objectivists/Libertarians would be willing to shut the fuck up about it forever in exchange for being able to shoot bees out of their hands?

This bothered him so much that he almost put the controller down and walked away?

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“Like Castaway, but Tom Hanks builds Wilson this time. And get this, Wilson is a robot!”


I only regret that he wasn’t asked about his rather small role in The Age of Innocence, in which I had the honor of being an extra, seated immediately in front of his proscenium box in the first scene.


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Good interview, though I hoped one of the Random Roles being talked about was Grant in LA Story.

It’s strange what passes the censors and what doesn’t—though I know there’s been a clampdown in more recent times. I think Shadow was pretty underrated, better and subtler than Hero and more beautiful with it’s blacks and grays playing on classic Chinese paintings, and also undertalked about for what’s a critique of

the drab Maoist setting and dusty environment combine to make this one of Zhang’s less visually interesting works. It’s more reminiscent of his early work, and clearly coming from a very personal place.”

Kind of curious to check this out, since Zhang’s filmmaking has been politically neutered since...maybe after Raise

Quantum of Solace and Spectre might have been lackluster, but Casino Royale and Skyfall are top tier Bond films. Here’s hoping he sticks the landing.

Will You Only Cry Twice suffice?

I know people enjoy these movies, which is just fine. But why is there always such a defensive reaction when someone says they don’t? I mean, what is it about these particular movies that inspire such devotion?

Kind of a bummer that your first instinct is to position box office returns as more important than creativity and originality. I get that that happens, and there are industry politics, etc. etc., but I also appreciate when directors of great movies (and Blade Runner 2049 IS a great movie) have the integrity to speak

Leaving aside the shítstorm this will cause among the chattering classes on YouTube... He’s right. And that’s speaking as a fan of the MCU.

I had a Speccy 48K and upgraded to a Spectrum Plus 128K later. I think it’s one of the reasons I don’t gripe about load times for games because none of the people these days had to experience five straight minutes of listening to their cassette player making screeching sounds in order to play a game.

I still have a lot

In all unfairness, most of gaming culture is incorrectly taken as american-centric.

Yeah, the infamous gaming crash of ‘83 was mostly North American thing and not of the whole world. Still, it does have some effect on how the games are marketed and made and I am glad that the whole gaming industry recovered because of Nintendo and other developers.

Are they trying to make Olivia Munn a thing again?