Baron von Blubba

and what’s going on with that tree

I mean, almost every work of crime fiction takes inspiration in one way or another from actual events. I don’t think anyone is going to look at the film and think it’s trying to be an accurate representation of her experiences.

My internal reaction upon hearing he had been rushed to the hospital made it clear to me just how unprepared I am to live in an Odenkirkless world. The amount of shock alongside the heartbreak was like Chadwick Boseman all over again. Some people just seem like they’ll always be around.

So glad Bob’s on the mend, and

My mind: Annapurrna?

Since no one’s mentioned it yet: I am stoked to hear about Ivy Road’s upcoming game. That is a great dev combo. Right up my alley. Same with No Code’s next game. Lots to be excited about., uh, how does this make good on Cyberpunk 2077's promise then?

TL;DR - The game doesn’t play great, the loot doesn’t do anything, the leveling mechanics don’t operate intuitively, the map sucks, upgrading weapons is arbitrarily difficult, and all of this may just actually blow up your Xbox for all we know. BUT if you have a sufficiently-sized hard-on for cyberpunk minutiae, it’s

He didn't die. He just pointed and disappeared.

Huh. At the very least, that lagoon’s creature will be FABulous.

if you wanted to be a little unfair and clickbait-y

You sure make it sound like you know what you’re talking about, but man, I really don’t see what you’re seeing. To me, the deepfake version is loads better-looking. It’s in the eyes: the original versions look like they’re out of a video game. They’re oddly murky and don’t look shaped correctly, especially the outer

To be fair, I am never mad at someone for landing themselves a plum gig doing something they’re passionate about, however they managed to achieve it.

we’re still not sure if we can spoil

“Nerd Wins At Physical Sport - Jocks In Retreat”

this is what aim assist looks like....

Silver for athletes, steel for humans.

She probably had aim assist on.

Kiki is definitely my favorite of the Ghibli movies. I love so many, but Kiki has a special place in my heart.

^ Obvs I rank Laputa: Castle in the Sky at the top of my Miyazaki list. I’ve watched most of the Ghibli’s plenty of times. Kiki’s deal is she gets to encounter various women in different stages of growth and maturity: the old ladies (with the fish casserole); the 20-something funky artist; Kiki’s boss - the very

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The Blues Brothers has everything i need to destroy even the darkest moods and bring joy to my heart.