Baron von Blubba

“If you like how a bog preserves you, wait til you check out Carbonite!”


I did a Google image search for “Tollund Man” and found some interesting ones:

As I mention here sometimes, I’ve written for the film industry and have close friends who have been upper-tier production people for over thirty years. Kilmer has acted like a huge asshole on many sets over the years, and it’s not because he’s so committed to his work. It’s because he’s a self-satisfied asshole.

Yeah, letter #1 sounds a bit suspicious to me, too. I can’t imagine the world where your wife says, “Honey, I cheated on you. But you know what will make it better? If I cheat on you with that guy again in front of you. Oh, and you get to sleep with his wife or whatever.” And you say, “That sounds like a great idea

“Chief Visionary Officer” sounds like a job title dreamed up by a douchebag for other douchebags.

My wife, who generally hates Jackass and looks down on me for enjoying it, still loves the High Five from Jackass 3.

Is it weird that watching the trailer just made me like genuinely happy?

I’d say that Wes Studi should be doing more thinkin’ and Wes Studi.

How can you list guest stars and not mention Wes f*ckin’ Studi?

“you better make haste, do what she says or catch a serious beatdown.”

Bianca “Keeps at least one in the” Chambers...

I wanted to see more of the actual beatdown. I want to see what put that stunned look on his face while he was dragged by the hair like cavemen used to do to their women. He got dragged and my heart was glad, glad, glad. She whooped every inch of dat ass and you know in the jail house he won’t be sleeping because they

“At that point I was just like, [...] I’m not letting this male walk again.”

I’m glad she found him, whipped his ass, got her car back and lived to tell it on video. My friend is laughing at this because a fool stole the battery from my car when the temperature was in the low teens.

This story is everything I fuckin needed this week 😂

No mention of Mike Patton from Faith No More/Mr Bungle voicing the darkness powers in The Darkness? FOR SHAME!

With all that money (and friends, it appears), why doesn’t anyone tell her that the best way to get beyond this is NOT to whine about cancel culture, but to simply do some good works? Why didn’t she take the time to meet with Stodden and maybe launch an anti-bullying thing for girls? Or work with teens “in trouble”

I don’t recall saying that it did.

Still waiting for the game this was inspired by.

I got together with my girlfriend when we were 19. She had been with one other person before me and he did shit like the guy in the first letter to her. She was a bit overweight at the time and had a terrible body image problem, and he would use that against her, telling her that he could overlook her stomach because