Baron von Blubba

How Strong hasn’t been a Bond Villain yet eludes me.

You show me someone who doesn’t at least like whatever EW&F song is on the radio and I’ll show you a liar. You can take the most devoted Norwegian Black Metal devotee, corpse paint on his face and everything, and if he’s behind closed doors and ‘September’ comes on he’ll be playing air bass and singing along if he

Carly Pope turned into Noomi Rapace so gradually I never noticed.  

I’m on board.  


That olive oil ain’t “extra virgin” any more...

How should you tell someone you like them a lot but are not romantically interested in them?

“I like you a lot but I’m not romantically interested in you”.

The world needs more honesty.

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that causes your dick to disintegrate! It’s something of a problem, so I would really appreciate you signing this waiver saying you can’t sue me for this or any of the other ailments the Savage Nobody advice column inflicts upon its readers. I had my favorite hobo Mr.

Same here.

“‘Cancel Culture’ doesn’t really exist, bit if it did, it would be about people being taken to task and having their careers ruined for things they did 22 years ago, when they were dumb teenagers, probably under pressure from their families and peers, as part of an event with a racist past, that had started to show at

You're here for the kinja. 

You know, AVC, you can’t regularly call Twitter a shitty hell website and then give in to its worst tendencies constantly.

Was really hoping AVC wouldn’t report on this nonsense. But of course they did.

You guys have printed a fair amount of extraordinarily weak outrage-seeking shit over the past couple years, but this might take the cake. I rate this clickbait seven “UGH”s out of a possible five.

Booze, whores and cigarettes?

What sort of injury makes one start to look like John Slattery?

I like Johnny Knoxville and am always pleased to see him in a movie. 

Another anomaly of the US/Canada border in the area is that it creates Point Roberts, a tiny enclave of Americans who are surrounded by water on three sides and the Canadian border to the north (south of Vancouver). Rather than dip down to make the whole peninsula Canadian, the border goes clean through the top,

The fact that an Irish man called on British authorities to menace a farmer who was protecting his potatoes is irony wrapped in a second layer of irony and then deep-fried in piping hot molten irony.