Baron von Blubba

All the best episodes of the revival era have been the ones not written by Chris Carter.

It’s more garage than home now, twisted and evil.

Agreed on the possibility for a horror-movie approach. You could even do it with no other human characters besides Chell, but you’d have to have an actor who’s extremely good at acting by herself, or possibly talking to other versions of herself...

There is plenty there for a great stripped-down sci-fi survival horror movie. GLaDOS is a wonderful antagonist. There’s a whole world to explore in the margins of the game like the subjects who proceeded you and what the hell Aperture is up to and what’s going on with the world outside (which could even be a gateway

Oh no! I just watched School of Rock with my son a few days ago. Kevin was great! He definitely could have pursued acting if he’d wanted to.

Richard Marx could have a marriage with any human being in history and he’d win just because he’s beefing with Rand Paul.

Ok, speaking as a Jew, if we used the blood of Christian children in cooking, why would you think we used it in matzoh? The stuff is like what happens when a graham cracker drinks from the wrong holy grail. Pretty sure blood has more taste than that.

I’ll agree the driving, music and shooting were top notch. What it mainly lacked was the ability to make me give a shit about the main character. I have to assume Ansel Elgort was a required hire, because he is completely devoid of charisma.

“After weeks of standing firm that being pro-Palestine is not equated with antisemitism, Ruffalo wavered back to a more moderate position.”

Wait and see. The trailer for Baby Driver looked awesome, and the movie under delivered.

John Cena also did a video where he apologized, in Mandarin, to China and Chinese citizens for daring to call Taiwan a country.

My brother and I saw Drive Angry in 3D in the theaters. There was one old couple way back behind us, and we four braved it out in the gigantic theater. I snuck in a 6 pack and a flask of rotgut whiskey. It was one of the most fun times I’ve ever had in a theater. Peak William Fichtner! Empty bottles we accidentally

You’re not wrong, but it’s a distinct improvement over the status quo ante, which was where every action movie was trying to be a joyless Taken retread.

I feel like John Wick has infected 80% of the movies in production.

Saying that “cancel culture is an illusion/doesn’t exist” is the left-wing equivalent of saying that global warming isn’t real. In both cases, you feel a phenomenon that clearly is supported by evidence is irritatingly overblown and politicized by the other side, so rather than stake out a sensible position like

“...learn a lesson about being more particular when choosing who they work with. maybe it’ll help convince those people and systems to change if they know that there are financial stakes to who they work with in addition to the ethical ones.”

I don’t think either of them are big enough to fill Gina Carano’s role. Don Cheadle is maybe ninety pounds.

Little know fact: Ernest Hemingway’s lost suitcase contained stories he wrote for Weird Tales.

I’ll be all around in the dark - I’ll be everywhere. Wherever you can look - wherever there’s people to eat, I’ll be there.

I enjoyed the series, but don’t really have any desire to tune back in for one more episode. I was happy knowing he’s in jail now, I don’t need additional closure.