Baron von Blubba

Dowd is a fantastic reviewer and the best thing that remains of this site. 

That last paragraph is pure horseshit. Hold a FICTIONAL piece of work to the same scrutiny as Schindler’s List? Absolutely bananas. Hell, we don’t even hold pieces based on real events to any sort of standard. (See again, Schindler’s List. Or, a better example, something like Argo.)

That's it, everyone. The internet gas achieved its purpose. Shut it down. 

I still think Krasinski missed the boat by not introducing aliens for other senses. Like ones who just use smell. The humans use deodorants to make themselves invisible to the aliens, but then one of the survivors farts out of fear.

Once, in the really early years of Triumph (my then-girlfriend and I still referred to him as “that for me-to-poop-on dog”) I saw his exact puppet in a novelty store (must have been the same as the ones Smigel refers to his wife buying here), and I’ve regretted not getting it ever since. I never saw one again.

Wasn’t he responsible ( writing, directing, etc. ) for SNL’s Ambiguously Gay Duo, or is my memory getting dodgy ?

He kind of did it on The Affair (same character, different perspectives)

Colin Hanks until he looks in a mirror. Then Chet Hanks.

Pacey was great in Fringe and The Affair (a mediocre show with great acting). 

Love that years later, rewatching that clip, when the Vulcan shows up to flip off the crowd, I was like, “Holy shit, is that Brian Huskey?!”

Triumph at the Star Wars opening is gold.

What a great interview

Funny thing is, I believe her... I think she was Fred Trump.

Crazy, amoral cops can have body image issues too!

I like the implication that being a crazy, amoral cop who steals another cop’s nude photos will make you persona non grata at a police department, but being a crazy, amoral cop who murders people will not.

Grown woman pretends to be high school student to get more Instagram follows

It’s only May, lots more craziness to still come out of America’s dong...

So what you’re saying is: it’s pish.  Why the B-?  

Saw this at Sundance. Not a fan of how fractured it is, and am lost by the movie in the last third.

Really excellent review, Katie. Always a feat when a horror movie review digs into the themes and flavor of the horror without revealing too much about it.