Baron von Blubba

idk, the bar’s pretty high...

That’s how Dan refers to his husband on the podcast.

I read that and my immediate thought was, Oh, so this is how mature adults have relationships?

Now playing

But more on the advice side, I think in LW2's situation the best option is to play it cool. The vast majority of people will be polite enough not to ask, and beyond that can empathize, because who among us hasn’t accidentally shown the wrong computer file to the wrong person?

how to get divorced with 1 word

I completed this game last weekend after reading a different equally positive preview. I hope articles like this get more eyes on the game. It’s reasonably priced, sinister as all hell and also tells a genuinely interesting and compelling story.

It was also probably the only perfect role for him.

“Okay, I admits it” Just Shoot Me was definitely underated. My mother and I used to watch Just Shoot Me all the time, that was “our” show. She passed away in 2013 but a few years back I got my daughter into Just Shoot Me. Now my 13 year old daughter and I watch Just Shoot Me almost every week, and we now consider it

I watched the show (or the first few seasons, anyway) for the first time a couple of years ago, and the main thing I remember is that Segal’s character Jack was frenemies with Trump. He’s mentioned quite a few times as someone that Jack is dickishly competitive with. I don’t think he ever actually appears. It’s always

[sees goat]  SOLD!!!

This is a better review.

While yes, Midsommer comes up a lot because it’s one of the better recent horror movies, Wickerman is laughable trash. It may have been considered good when it came out simply because there wasn’t a lot to compare to at the time, but it absolutely has not aged well. At best it’s a super horny musical thriller that’s

Jessica Lange’s acting talents were on better display in almost literally everything she’s done since, but in this piece of garbage she was volcanically hot, and sometimes that’s enough.

I was 6 years old when this came out, and though I wouldn’t see it until it premiered on NBC a few years later (in an extended version, shown over 2 nights), I have come to consider this version as “my King Kong”. That is not to say it’s my favorite. The original is. It was then, it is now, it will forever be. But

I hope we get a write-up on the fantastic sequel to this one - it’s got it all. Artificial hearts! Rednecks eaten alive! Cold war military porn!

And this is what she looked like at the time. I mean, what a dog (sarcasm emoji)—

He looks like British royalty.

Specifically rimming. Mind you, most Meatloaf songs are about rimming. Even his real name, Marvin Aday, is an anagram of ‘Rim A Van Day’.

We had Meat do a Cameo for my dad’s birthday. One of my brothers had us add “Your kids said to send nudes. And I’d do anything for love, but I won’t do that” to the suggestion box. Meat didn’t quite understand, and the result was really, really funny. This video is one of my prize possessions.