Baron von Blubba

No grades this Sundance. Trying it without them!

The guy who voluntarily locked his dick in an object that connects to the internet does not have any wisdom to share.

I empathize with him. My ex-wife still has my balls.

That article you linked has the most ridiculously Hollywood ideas in it. Zanuck says Tony Curtis is too attractive to play the lead, so they ask Warren Beatty and Robert Redford first. Are they kidding?

I’m always surprised when people say Rivers’ voice is nothing special. I think it’s one of the biggest reasons Weezer has had success.

Can I interest you in the Buddy Hackett mod I’ve developed?

Death Stranding doesn’t have any sex in it but how hard can it be to give me a Norman Reedus, Guilrmo Del Toro and Conan O’Brien three way!

It honestly feels like CD Projekt Red doesn’t really have much of a handle on how gamers think.

You put a hot celebrity in a game. Yeah, people are going to want to fuck said hot celebrity*.

This was as inevitable as anything in gaming could possibly be.

* Actually, the celebrity doesn’t even have to be hot. If Ernest

“I'm not here to roast Bob Saget. I'm here to fuck John Stamos."

I worked with her for about 5 weeks on the set of a TV movie way back in 1980.  She was a sweet, gentle, funny lady and even though I haven’t seen her in 40 years I’ll miss her.

I’m partial to the Napoleon Blownaparte

You’re gonna need a bigger duck.

Don’t forget to post a link here after you’re finished breaking it!

I have a feeling you are correct. If it was a one night thing, for sure she could have blacked out and been unable to consent. But two days is a long time to stay that level of intoxicated.

John Wayne going hard after Ignatiy after that toupee remark.

With only the letter to go by and no word from L2 Girlfriend herself on what actually happened, it’s entirely possible that she happened to find herself in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong individual who forced her to spend two days getting drunk and having non-consensual sex with him. But it kinda

Strong week for Dan, here.

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column for closeted necrophiliacs who are turned off by any sign of life!
Question of the week: As this is the last Savage Nobody if January 2021, what are some ways to keep optimistic for the rest of the year?