Baron von Blubba

He migrated all those musing to Twitter in his later years, still a treat.

And this is most definitely the time to talk about that! Well done!

From the time he started Larry King Live to about 2005, there was no one better at making a politico or talent feel at ease. During my publicity days I got to take to stars doing publicity for their respective films to Larry King Live.

Now playing

I will always remember him as Larry “Geoff Peterson” King

and he only looked 673...

That’s too many for a show that was on less than 30 years ago. O’Hare, Katsulas, Furlan, Biggs, Doyle, Conaway, Furst...

This one really hit me. I loved her.

If he were the Nightstalker, planting a story like this in the press would be the perfect cover-up! 

So this is the guy, right?

Has anybody proposed to you lately? If not... Hi.

Been a Resident Evil fan from the beginning, and while I was initially skeptical of VII, I ended up loving it in the end. Definitely not my favorite RE game, but I really dug the fresh take that almost felt like it was in a different universe save for a couple subtle callbacks and the Umbrella/Chris reveal at the end.

Excuse me, hot take coming through...

20-man Battle Royale in the Spencer Mansion where you can play as RE characters or just a basic S.T.A.R.S. recruit, etc. However, limited guns/ammo and healing items coupled with roaming zombies makes it so being last man standing requires TACTICAL play.

We just can’t have nice things...

I would like to see this extended to the ‘Hey, somebody said something on Twitter’ Stories as well.

This leaked online a while back, and eh, it’s okay, but there’s long stretches that are surprisingly dull, which is a shame as the action sequences are great but there’s just too much filler.