Baron von Blubba

The only way I will accept this is if they are cancelling the main series early because they are just too excited to get to work on ‘Late Night with Alfie Solomons’.

I really enjoy this show - particularly the first several seasons. That said, I’m fine with it ending sooner rather than later. The last season wasn’t bad, per se, from what I remember, but felt like diminishing returns of the same formula. I am quite glad the last season isn’t where the show’s ending, though, and

This is all a brilliant ploy to ensure that supporters stay at home

It does not. This news has made me feel that maybe Trump wasn’t so bad after all. Worst band, worst song, straight to prison.

PUSA is the band we need now, more than ever. 

Wow. That song. When I was in different bands 20 years ago, I hoped we would NEVER ever end up like these guys and their cheesy lyrics.

Give Kanye time.

Actually, I don’t remember much sex, if any, in these novels (apart from a bit of tenderness with Vesper, but, again, it’s Vesper). Maybe I blanked it out.

It’s a wonderland.

Also, why is every role that Nicholas Cage gets “the role of a lifetime”? Mandy? Role of a lifetime! Guy who gets brainwashed & tries to murder his kids? Role of a lifetime! Host of a show about cursing? It’s the role he was born to play! Like we get it, he’s ca-raaaaay-zee!

Whoever still needs an excuse for food porn hasn’t read Ian Fleming.

Met Sylvain when he was touring with Cheetah Chrome in their shortly lived ‘Batusi’ band a decade ago. I was maybe one of like 9 people to show up. I sat with him while he had a glass of red wine (at a punk venue, couldn’t have been good). He was really bummed, not at the crowd size, but by the band. “They think

RIP to the guy who made Gretsch guitars punk.

Those first 2 New York Dolls records are great. RIP

ILLUSION, Michael. A trick is something whores do for money. 

Man from UNCLE deserved more than it got, certainly a sequel 

I was against cannibalism for so long, but after watching Hannibal, I found myself reconsidering my stance on the subject. Those meals looked pretty damn good. 

And this is exactly why I’ve always been open about my cannibalism.

Armie Hammer drops out of film Shotgun Wedding amid “bullshit” DMs scandal

Speaking of riding a segue...