Baron von Blubba

Resht in peash.

if that is not the motto of 2020, i do not know what is...

What a talent and an icon. I’ve been a big fan for many years.

The revolution will be monetized.

It was kind of alarming how entertaining that “game” was. I’m sad they took the bathtub out of the tour, it was quite the adventure to find it. I can’t imagine working in that place. Fire code violation central. Every staircase was full of boxes.

Your SJW SO is SO down with OPP(yeah you know me)!

No that’s fine, just go with it.

Help! My right eye can’t see the forest for the trees which I find to be deeply arborist. Should I pluck it out and cast it away or just get Lasik?

Dear Nobody,
I’m extremely jealous of the look that my girlfriend gave the ballot box when she dropped off her ballot. I mean, the ballot box is just a tool of the patriarchy and doesn’t deserve looks like that, right?

LW1 is not a reliable narrator. Few people who write Dan are, and even though she doesn’t seem like she’s spinning the entire story, there’s little chance that this interaction went as simply as “Hey honey, I just stopped by to see you like I said I would.”

Maybe he freaked out because he knew his gf was a nutcase and there was no guarantee that she wouldn’t smash some girl in face just for existing in the same space as him.

Help! I’m an EJP with PCP-fuelled ESP, so I know *for sure* my SO is down with OPP.

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that has filled out and mailed its ballot!

Wow, my wife is going to be thrilled to find out that I finally look like George Clooney!

I, for one, completely believe Rudy’s version of things. His secret method of lying back on a bed to tuck in his shirt, while already fully clothed, is how he achieves his signature, rumpled, looks-like-he-slept-in-his-suit, wrinkled look. Now everyone is going to be doing it.

Holy crap! Twist ending:

I’m not sure if what I found counts as a tub (more like a gym shower in a pit), but once that pale blue death trap revealed itself I immediately closed the tour window. It was such a relief to be out of there.

I found the best part of the house!

My favorite part was finding the young clown, though I’ll never guess how it managed to know my name.