Baron von Blubba

The interesting part of Dexter was not that there is a serial killer who only kills other serial killers. It’s that Miami is so thoroughly infested with serial killers that such a thing is even possible.

She once knew a gentleman who fell.

This is the type of response that brings me to the SL comment section in the first place.

Isn’t this memoir a white conservative political manifesto? blah. and Glenn Close looks like an SNL parody of rich people doing oscar bait as poor people.

Eh, my dad is no longer young, but he is very organized without being controlling. He started a google doc I have access to in case of his demise. My stepmom is a wonderful, sweet lady who is very capable, but she’s been forgetful and having trouble with numbers/math lately so he wanted me to have financial/bank info

I can see your point. Being in control of finandee and documents as a way of having the upper hand. But I’m not necessarily seeing that in LW1. 

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that even Death* can’t stop from answering your questions!

Typical for conservatives, they’re ignoring that Tillis’ ex-wife divorced him citing cruel and inhumane treatment. Under Tennessee law (where they were married), that can include domestic violence, adultery, emotional/verbal abuse, and sexual assault, all of which are far more serious than any of Cunningham’s texts.

The advice to WIDOW is one of the best bits of advice I’ve seen given to anybody.

Now playing

Here’s an episode of Yacht Rock to tide you over.

A movie about how a group of session musicians came together and produced some of the decades top hits would be much more interesting than a dog that chases some chickens and pulls back a curtain. 

For anyone curious, this is what Shari Headley looks like after aging 30+ years.

It’s in the description of the YT video.

The cover used in this trailer bothered me less than others. I guess while it might have been a little slowed down, it wasn’t super portentious and seemed to fit the period.

made available to play online

You don’t know that.  Maybe it just happened to be lying around.  It could have been a cleaver of opportunity.

Did she get a medal for it?

Also Enterprise! (although apparently not Insurrection or Nemesis, which surprises me)

Are you telling me one of the top minds behind Star Trek Voyager made something mediocre? I don't believe it!

Hulu’s Books Of Blood somehow manages to make Clive Barker bland