Baron von Blubba

This man is now my favorite person of 2020. 

So far, I’m not Feeling This.

With narration by Richard Kiley.

One of the many sins that Hollywood has to attone for was not getting Richard Karn, Richard Kind, and Richard Kiel in the same movie together.

Plus they’re, like, up to 189 now.

Maybe John Smith’s dates are weary because they think he’s a British pedophile who abducted a Native American girl. 

Now playing

Tell her that she is mistaken: You are a knife not a truck!

Dear Nobody,

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that’s selfishly dumping people like trucks!

I’m a fan of the Van Hagar years. 5150 is great, far superior to 1984, in my opinion, for that keyboard+guitar period of the band.

Now playing

Like his music or not, Ed was a fucking giant. His influence on rock and roll guitar cannot be overstated. He wasn’t just a shredder. He had a fantastic ear for melody. He doesn’t get near enough credit for his rhythm playing.

What’s so appropriate about that is that there isn’t a person who’s heard that dive bomb note who wouldn’t immediately hear the opening riff of You Really Got Me break the silence in their mind. 

Sorry. Still in shock. The guy really (along with Steve Clark of Def Leppard via the High N Dry album) meant a lot to me from the ages of 10 to 14 or so. Then the usual “I found punk and thrash and hardcore” thing but I’d be lying if I didn’t woodshed in my room to VH as a kid religiously. 

When they said he had cancer, I thought he would Beat It. 

He always made it look so easy and like so much fun.

His style would be duplicated but nobody really ever could imitate him. “

Backwards, but yeah. Sucks.

No idea how you time it but as his coffin is lowered it should play the very end of Eruption with that crazy bend effect. Or just play Eruption through the entire process.

The funeral better have someone absolutely shredding the fuck out of a guitar solo as he’s lowered into the ground.

RIP. This hurts a lot. He was the reason I picked up a guitar as a kid in the early 80's. His style would be duplicated but nobody really ever could imitate him. He was a true innovator and one of the guys who legitimately changed the way rock guitar was played.

Normally I agree, but when the original film series does fuck all with the source material other than lifting the names of a couple groups and locations, I think a reboot is warranted. Especially when the existing franchise never really got better than mixed reviews and became some kind of superpowered clone robot