Baron von Blubba

Who’s going to play the voice of Crom? I nominate Gilbert Gottfried.

Old Greg was a drunk. A very charming drunk who could tap (dance on) dat ass but still.  

I used to work with a Peter Came and a Dick Luce (pronounced “loose”).

Major Major Major Major

Wow. I’m really impressed that Tim Pilotman both became a pilot and wrote a review of a video game for Gizmodo. The odds are just incredible.

“Dick Johnson”? Like that’s a real name. Does he know Peter Wang or Willy Shaft?

You need someone who can mediate between your heart and brain. I recommend your wiener.

I’ve been getting hot and heavy with myself for many years now. Lately I’m worrying that it’s turned into a strictly physical thing, that my heart’s not really in it. I should probably have a conversation about it, but I’m afraid to bring it up with me. I don’t want me to leave me. Any advice?

Unfortunately, you can never underestimate the amount of idiots in the world.

I’m sorry, I know this question isn’t really in the spirit of Savage Nobody, but I’ve gotta ask:

Side note: How dare that gif maker leave nuGreg’s face uncrossed but cross out the other two!

This week in Savage Love:

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that cries after having threesomes with houseplants!

She was so good. This episode was very different from the book, but all in good ways. Here’s hoping Hippolyta is a bigger part of the remaining episodes.

Apparently the secret to getting full-frontal male nudity onto Youtube is “Just put some news footage about a terrible homicide around it as a buffer.”

really, really weird!

I do like Bill Maher. From the success of his show, it’s clear that many other people do too. If you think nobody likes him, you may be mistaking twitter for the real world. Sure, sometimes he is completely wrong about some things, but often he is also spot on. What this article and some of his other detractors don’t

Mel Brooks explained it best: