Baron von Blubba

Sorry to be the one to break this to you, beta cuck soyboi, but you’re no match for incels’ anime eyes and dinosaur egg testicles. Once the Federal Girlfriend Agency processes their application form, they won’t even have time to kick your ass.

I distinctly remember you asking for this show, and then I paid you back that $10,000 I owe you.

Ok, I’m in. I’ve played countless live gigs as a drummer and probably 10X that amount in practicing, volume at 11 and thank God, I haven’t suffered noticeable hearing loss. I’m sure I’ve had some but I can’t tell and no tinnitus. And I feel really lucky because I took no precautions. This is back in the late 80's,

This... looks good? As someone who spent years in the local scene in various capacities and has known more than a few people who left it with varying degrees of hearing loss, I’m intrigued.  Also the inclusive casting is a plus.

saw this at TIFF last year it’s excellent and ahmed is phenomenal.

I remember when Robert DeNiro got a lot of praise for his method acting because he gained and lost a lot of weight for Raging Bull. Meanwhile, Riz Ahmed is over here learning to play an instrument PLUS American Sign Language for his role. That’s some serious dedication.

Agree completely. But what on Earth is going on with that William and Ruby hook-up??

We elected a Florida Man as president of the United States, and, boy, is he living up to his moniker.

He really is great at playing the deeply, deeply insecure tough guy so well. Also his deliver of lines like “...I didn’t have the guts,” where “guts” is like a two-syllable word, except the second syllable is so deep and gravely it’s more like it’s just falling out of his mouth than being spoken. Just fantastic.

That episode of BSG, where they escaped New Caprica and everyone is holding Adama in the air as Tigh looks on, having lost his eye and his fracking wife. The look on his face informed me that Michael Hogan is a genius actor. I hope everyone is wrong and he truly pulls through,

He has become more Florida than man, now.

How is Danny McBride not Florida Man? It’s like the role he was born to play.

When Cobb was designing there were only a few other people out there with similar chops; Syd Mead, Ralph McGuarrie and Joe Johnston are the only ones who come to mind. Cobb’s designs for “Alien” were crucial to the look of the film but his contributions were unfairly neglected with H.R. Geiger and Moebius getting a

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I thought it was great that they would even show up in other random things. When I was a kid I had a VHS tape (yeah boi) about my favorite guitarist, Joe Satriani, and Guest (as Nigel Tufnel) appeared on the tape talking about how he tried to watch Joe’s playing to see how he did it, but his fingers moved too fast and

If you didn’t know anything about Rob Reiner, you could have at least taken 30 seconds to Google him. He’s been a highly vocal (and financial) advocate for civil rights for 50 years. He helped start the American Foundation for Equal Rights. He’s repeatedly bankrolled challenges to Right-wing legal attacks on women,

Let’s also remember that, in addition to glorifying machinery and speed, the Futurists also worshipped war as a great human purifier and when WW I broke out many eagerly enlisted to join the killing orgy....and were all killed.

I can’t believe numerous people devoted time to this.

Expecting Watchmen to win big tonight.

Meh. The fact that Rhea Seehorn hasn’t won or even been nominated for an Emmy for playing Kim Wexler on Better Call Saul is proof positive that the Emmys are full of shit.