Baron von Blubba

and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it

Have just seen it. Nobody mentioned the homages to Re-Animator’s style in the prologue and the titles. Even the Sydney character’s look is a dead ringer for Barbara Crampton’s. From the get-go, I immediately knew I was in for that kind of ride and LOVED IT, I kept grinning the whole time. First James Wan movie I truly

Nice try, Rosetti. Go and fetch some cheese, you rat!

I could be wrong but I didn’t quite buy the Seek/Reject Power graphic simplistic logic. Seek Power is correct, your character becomes more powerful with magic powers,etc . But it’s definetly not the same kind of power when regarding Andrew Ryan. That’s authoritarism/political gain, not creating a swarm of bees from my

Love me some Farhadi, looking forward to feeling devastated!

Sandra Hüller! Well, if she’s not mentioned in the review, I guess it’s a bit part.

Yeah, I can see how a change of pace would be creatively rewarding. Thanks!

C’mon Alex, bring back the grades! You’re not opposed to ranking stuff (i.e., your latest monumental task with Weezer).

Once you become friends (not just friendly), the professional relationship takes a second place and the same rules apply as any other friendship. If you don’t want to ruin a good service, don’t get too close.

Should you report anyone who does that, and endanger their jobs? Even if the feelings were more romantic than just sex? If you are not prepared for friends possibly falling for you over time, avoid making friends.

My number 1 is Butterfly. There, I’ve said it and I don’t care who knows it.

He practically invented trolling

Having seen the original, I think I’ll skip this one for a few years/decade and have good unseen Gyllenhaal material. Which is a nice thing to have.

Are all Adam McKay projects gonna be satire-for-dummies from now on?

I’d watch his Marvel movie

No “That’s no moon” joke? Seriously? Oh c’mon!

She’d better be quick-ening

Didn’t know Tommy Wiseau became a videogame director. Loving it so far!

Using hashtags.
Examples: #slowkissing #chillmusic #softtouch #wetfingers #lowshaft #cantwaste25secondsexplainingtopeopleinpersonliketherestofmortals

The full original title was going to be Days (of Future Past)