Baron von Blubba

The tone of this article is bizarre

I expect to see plenty

Yes! I wanna be the creep that says to people “My friend doesn’t like you”

I’ve finally decided to watch all of Miyazaki’s films, and started from the beginning. Just last night I watched KDS (talk about coincidence with this article) and undoubtedly is my favorite so far. Magical elements aside, Kiki’s journey may be the total opposite of what I did with my life, so I profoundly admire her.

I know that pain of only having a trailer for a promising looking game that never materialized.
1997's me still misses Star Trek: Secret of Vulcan Fury

YES. I’ll be forever grateful for discovering that movie thanks to him. Easily in my top 3 of the decade.

What I enjoyed so far: Elsinore, Mundaun, Cloudpunk.
Don’t bother with: The Shore

Well written, I loved it too. Let’s just hope you don’t get a letter informing you that your grandpa’s barn has been burnt down.

Data: feels goosebumps on an arm. Orgasms.
Now that’s canon

Fhtang you all. That was one of my favorite recent shows. Lack of new material is surely pure naive speculation, so while we’re guessing, I’d say it’s budget reasons. The production was astounding/expensive but the show never became a big enough thing. Keep on cloning superhero shows, panem et circenses.

Love it. I hope this becomes like a Wilhelm Scream gag but for videogames.

I’ll give that young actor a chance, but my dream choice (pun intended) for Morpheus would’ve been Tilda Swinton in a wig. Or for any role.

Are we being fun-hating downers who are overthinking something...?

I’d say “I have nowhere else to go” but if any of you know of a place old-AVC style, please let me know

No threats of violence were made, he was only tired of a snarky, coward nobody-blogger that desperately seeks attention by shamelessly remarking that Marx was not a big star.

As I said, I disagree with most of his insights, like that one for example. Since when any depiction of a rising force as “undifferentiated, undirected mass of” rebels makes it a “conservative” cynic view? And why? The focus was to expand on the characters of the rich family and the low-class servants. Why do you must

A.A. Dowd graded this film a B. I consider this film my favorite of last year, for many reasons.
I disagree with most of this moralizing review’s insights and conservative opinion on how violence should be portrayed on film. I would recommend a watch only if you enjoy harsh and intelectual films like those from the

A Silent (but Deadly) Place

This Dan Mallory fella sounds very Donald Kaufmanesque, I want his biopic already.

I’m sure it’s a nice article but you already had me at Blade Runner meets Papers, Please