Baron von Blubba

Ask Lee Daniels for his number

Sure, more to my point. If it’s hard to say (door open or closed), don’t choose a side and make it a title. It is quite clear what is this site’s opinion about Franco and it chooses to take a side for Rogen.
In other words, just observe and report (pun intended), don’t editorialize.

I have not and I do not plan to right now” is not quite the same as “don’t plan to work with him again”, is it?
Ah, misleading clickbait titles, we meet (constantly) again.

I wish Ignaty would be given good films to review, he’s been having a lot of C grade stuff for a while now.

Good to know Colm Feore has an enthusiastic personality, humble and thankful. Will Harris does it again, great choice of actor!

So lucky to have orgasms coming in double. Indemnity for the penis, aka condoms, are recommended though.

The snub that bothered me the most was Kim Ki-duk. Not by the Oscars, thanks to them I found out he died, but by the AV Club. You know, the site that reviewed a lot of his films and also eulogised other problematic figures as well. Welp, cancel culture gotta cancel.

*Downhill laughs evily

We all know the american cast: Sandler, Spade, James and Schneider
Another Round: Another Boogaloo

Loved Virginia’s nuanced storytelling, film-like editing, well, everything. Very much looking forward to this one

I watched Supernova, I’d say it’s the polar opposite of this film and the strokes are pretty thin compared to this

My favorite, by far, was Kill List. Maybe everybody has a different favorite Ben Wheatley film, but we can all agree is that he’s never going to make another like one’s favorite again.

Also, any throne for the Lord would just simply float away. Smh.

I would disagree a bit, I found it was “spiritually” faithful to the Arkham Horror board games, where the “story” and “characters” are not the forte, just pretty generic stuff. So the main focus is on the battle mechanics, which may be simple in the videogame, but is fun to manage the limited inventory and find a way

Damn. You’ve just ruined any “How do I reach these kids?” pun thread.

I’ll try it in the hopes of rinsing the bad taste The Shore left me with

He doesn’t initiate play because you keep referring to him as your huzzben

Will Harris RR, f yeaah! Elizondo seems like a very generous interviewee.

I wouldn’t pule this kind of puns if you know what’s gouda for you

Very enjoyable film. Debicki is mesmerizing in everything

Spoiler Alert:
I could nitpick for a long time, but let me say this. Next time someone unsuccesfully tries to kill you, don’t start pushing your attacker’s buttons. Offer fake forgiveness and get the hell out of there asap.