Baron von Blubba

I remember finally watching the first film very late in my twenties. I was awestruck by Perkins, he wasn’t acting, he was a natural. At least by the standards of the era. This reminds me that I still got to watch the rest of the films, which wouldn’t exist without his charisma.

I’ve just finished watching Morgan (2016) and came up with a good one:

It’s absolutely helpful!

(Dowd’s C + D’Angelo’s A-)/2 = B territory
The math is in, I’ll give it a chance

Smell-O-Vision will be back (once the pandemic is over, of course)

Raining On Prom Night.... Prepare to fight!

My guess is that straight-evil would be too one-dimensional and they gave her enough empathy to give her an arc that would last more than one season, to then bring the villain back at the end.

Your “case-in-point” is bullshit, I loved every minute of Lovecraft Country and agree with the grades. Sometimes I don’t agree at all with the reviewers but I don’t start accusing of inflating grades because of race. Maybe they have a different taste than you?

Wait... where are the grades? You don’t expect me to read, do you?

Great. Another “We understand internet culture!” dad-video from Weezer.

The only ex-con Justin Timberlake could believably play is Martin Shkreli

You’re Next and The Guest are great. This is a big step for Adam Wingard, so good for him!

I’m with you. Had they announced this news earlier, I would’ve marched to the Capitol too. And I’m not even american.

Wait, where’s the sex? Inside “games” I presume.

Fran Lebowitz is the original A.V. Club. Gotta love her.

Once in a hospital for Covid I had my medical chart confused with Larry David’s. Schenectady, you’re on the air.

Finally, really looking forward to the Sparks doc

Looking forward to Axiom giving movies one thumb up!

Just watched it, thankfully without reading this review. I’d give it a A- grade.
I think that sometimes knowledge of a certain subject can make you see all the strings in a work about that subject. Where Ignaty found phoniness, I found excellence, as precise and crafty as any Fincher’s previous films. And I did found

R. Kelly would’ve been peerfect for this