Baron von Blubba

That’s Esteemed Art-Movie Actor Claes Bang for you

Flawed? FLAWED?
Even clicking for an innocent trailer one cannot be free of the unwarranted snarkitude of the flawed AV Club.

Between a Fern and an Asshole

I don’t have anything to cumblebrag, but a lot to be cumbarrassed about

Comissioner Gordon? What could he have possibly done to you?!

Has it been two years already? Where did the time go?
We should celebrate. Sexually.
8===O - - - —- -
Til next year!

Bong, James Bong

Twist ending!

He still could make a very badass Agent 47/Hitman

Another Delgado and Rosetti goon? You’ll never get a cent from Tim again!

Love me some Hanksy but this looks way too generic

I’m on team Exception on this one. According to the letter, we’re not talking about love here, just sex. It is SO HARD to find someone that good at sex, specially if you’re worried because of your age and past relationships.
Just don’t talk politics. It’s a no brainer: keep fucking the no-brainer.

The least she could do is pass some of her husband’s pics to Dan as a token of gratitude and to honor his spirit.

In August 2012, a fight over the microphone broke out in a Chinese karaoke parlor, with a man killing two others with a meat cleaver.

Sometimes you got to thank mini-movie trailers for movies you wouldn’t have bothered anyway

After watching Phoenix and Transit, sign me up for anything Petzold related. I’m checking out Barbara until Undine comes up then.

seriously? #TeamOldGreg!

You usually see this kind of crazy trip reserved for the hot white young male hero. This show keeps tearing apart tired tropes and getting better and better.

Thanks for that confusingly depressing crime footage attached to that Gnarly trailer, AV Club

Totally agree. It never ceases to amaze me why the AV Club talks about Maher while wondering why people talk about Maher. An now they justify it by calling it hate-watching. If you’re so disgusted, have the balls/integrity to not report on it, you ouroboros of snark you.