Baron von Blubba

So help we all

One-time collaborator?
Sonnenfeld was DP for Blood Simple, Raising Arizona and Miller’s Crossing

Chemistry. Definition: this interview.

Damn you once again, 2020!

Any 38-year veteran of a fast food chain will look exactly like Richard Jenkins

Without Kirk or Picard, I wonder what will be the big draw to go to a cinema. Will hot young people be enough?

I would’ve gone with Paramour myself

Hot Take: The Book

Hey Alex, even if there’s no award given this year, I wonder if you could pick your own Cannes winners like every other year, as a fun exercise as always.

Blumhouse exec: You sir, are a genius. Here’s your money

I kinda had the same experience, here. I would always be cautious and learned to “half-choke”, even if my partner would feel a little dissatisfied with the choke. In this case, less is better than nothing or risky. I have weak hands anyway.

keyword: “some” museums

Eventually some museums will become as obsolete as the zoos, and return all the stolen collection to their respective cultures

Then you don’t respect it completely, don’t you?
This show is bold and is consistent with it’s inconsistency, just look at their music choices for example. It’s a fun pastiche exercise and not for the conservative mind.

“Anyone who rapes little kids should be wiped off the planet!”

That it was “riot” all along is news to me. I still haven’t listened to it again but now I’m afraid that the Vai spell will be broken :/

I like to think the lyrics are “I can play the guitar like Steve motherfuckin’ Vai”

I’m still not ready for a Wayanassaince of any kind

“... the actor revealed that he wrote a play after he was replaced by Samuel L. Jackson in Die Hard With A Vengeance”