Baron von Blubba

This one takes 1941 off of the top of Spielberg’s Worst

You over-do you, AV Club

One can never have enough...

Judging by the screenshot, I assume there are other methods of payment

You’re not alone! *group hugs

So nowadays when readers don’t go to the trouble of creating clever sign-offs for themselves, I do it for them
Now I’m more disappointed with the readers for not coming up with their sign-offs than with their sometimes toxic behaviours and sexual naivety. Smh

You’ve done it again Iggy, but let’s be frank. The biggest cliché here is this review’s title.

I’m thinking Bryan Cranston after BB. Or Christoph Waltz without Tarantino.

Thanks for this, I may give it a shot then

The Last Samurai’s hair would like a word with you

I interpret his use of “film critic” as a way to represent the inner critic inside Kaufman, as a way to make fun of his overlycritical negative side. Another of his self-referential protagonists.

Who knew Lanthimos’s Alps is a real thing?

Glad to have a Will Harris article show up anytime. Very well done!

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Antichrist Party?

Carell and Stewart could lead a skulk of silver foxes.
That’s right, I googled skulk, it’s a word.

What a mensch, such a sincere and thankful farewell.

Don’t worry, we all have the same problem

Your new gf must’ve listened to Dan. Kudos!

they transcribed the video and STILL you complain???

but why?