Baron von Blubba

by Tim and Eric

I watched this ages ago, I remember it as a very long movie, but worth it.
Plus, shirtless Tom Savini, could you ask for more?

Nice looking Luger

Rated R: Violence and Pervasive Language”
But enough about the actors, here’s a movie.

Plenty of directors do what you ask for, let Spike do his shit the way he likes it.

Nonsense. Paul Muni was great, he should’ve been a greater actor but he disliked Hollywood and it disliked him back.

The video is unavailable, but no matter. If there are no weird erotic fantasies then #notmyspaderverse

I would risk it for Nolan since I don’t have and IMAX at home

Fine, I won’t say hi to my mother for you

I’m sorry but fuck that. She’s plenty miserable as she devastatingly described. I’d say DTMFA. And if she feels guilty (or is made to feel guilty), she should give him some starter money. It would be the greatest investment of her life, to be free of that asshole is worth it.

As an unabashed fan of the trilogy, I’ll miss this lovable weirdo. RIP

speak for yourself

I’m slightly older than Carrie Coon but, can they adopt me please?

Really? People complaining they can’t spend a month or so without fucking?
Masturbate and stop being such babies, for fuck’s sake.

*golf applause

Best. Analogy. Ever.

Go on...

Another Will Harris RR classic! The Mitchum anecdote, pure gold.

This. If not for defensive measures, the game would have been too frustrating. As it is, it’s a good amount of frustrating and scary.

What we all surely are missing is the wife’s side of the story. Not to sound kink-shaming, but I’m betting this is Annoying Husband Whim #372