Baron von Blubba

Eashy on the tini”

PISS = Donald
because duh

As an argentinian, thank you for this illuminating article and revealing important facts I was not aware of. Sadly, none of our past goverments did anything to raise awareness of our shameful past, and our current one most certainly will not.

I do EXACTLY the same thing. Yay!

I hope you know I pack a chainsaw

Vulgar Display of Power definitely introduced me to metal with the same punch as the album cover, and I’ve been a fan ever since. Dimebag’s was the first celebrity death that hit me. The ever loving and grieving brother is now finally at peace. RIP Vinnie.

*watching the Marwen trailer*
Oh, is one of those movies where the guy is emotionally challenged and... What is th... oh no, not that fucking song! Why? Does this movie really need to underline with big broad strokes the message everybody gets? Next, they make this sooo literal and show the guy learning to walk ag...

Wind River wasn’t as well received at the A.V. Club as I had hoped. Anything that Sheridan does now will be compared to his first two hits.

First one, cool.

Weezer and Foo Fighters have enough b-sides way superior than half their discographies.

This trailer was the quickest I went from skeptical to YES PLEASE

And this post is gonna be a new AVC article in 3, 2,...

Not that I’d like to defend a Quantic Dream release but...
First paragraph: It maybe broad subtext for some, but it may work just fine with players from other countries not well versed in USA’s history. Take for example a game that plays on the history of Japan, with references that may fly over our heads except those

Thank you. I didn’t know that, and I am wondering why this wasn’t fairly reported before.

Mind. Blown.

Nevermind, it was some other critic named Rodrigo Fonseca. Damn my giddiness based on a few glimpses.

Did I JUST watch A.A. Dowd interviewing Jean Luc Godard in the press conference???? Was it a doppleganger??? Am I hallucinating????

The A.V. Club

A film teacher once recommended me La Femme Publique. I still don’t know what it was about, but Valerie Kaprisky really made up for it.