Baron von Blubba

!ris ,ton ma I

Sincere Cavalier convinced me, the continuity speaks for itself. I’m sure Jonze and/or his editor knew exactly what they were where doing. Crossing the axis line is just a rule, and good filmmakers know how to break it to their advantage.

If only. But Mary Shelley was 19 when she wrote Frankie, so no dice.

Okay, but Miller MUST stay on budget. Babe 3: Back To The Farm

Disquiet Dimitri

Once in a while, The A.V. Club resembles Clickhole, unironically.

You are a hero. He deserves it, not because of him pushing his way to the front (common practice at a concert), but fuck loud talkers.

Bummer we don’t get to see Richardson again. May he rest with antlers.

Your opinion is of course valid, but has been repeated almost verbatim for over a century countless times now.

One of my favorite things I’ve seen recently... , a ... Dick ... , makes a rich canvas ... to compensate for some of its ... shortcomings. ... it stars ... an American naval officer ... out of uniform on shore ... but still eccentric, ... a couple of schoolboys peeing ... straight into a sex scene. His Carlos is

Oh, do you mean the thing we had before the Kinjacalypse?

I’d name Human Resources amongst his best films as well, hand in hand with Time Out.

Silmarillion series or GTFO

You can be my stormtrooper any time!
*slaps butt*

The Deakins has landed

Was a little dance too much to ask, Sam?

Here on Kinja? Are you sure?

I’m due in two weeks.

Did you mean “I want to see Billy Crystal play all these characters in an Oscar’s sketch”?