Baron von Blubba

Burton IS telling a visual joke, which if you watch the whole museum-destroying sequence, you’ll see it’s funny for everyone. Even for children who don’t know who Bacon is. As you say, no curator would put that there, it’s just deliberately for the gag only.
As for the “angsty art school” diss, even Nolan used Bacon to

Oh c’mon. You read that title on A.V. Club, you’re thinking Keaton was a pussygrabber. Yeah you did.

Anywho, thanks for the find, Iggy!

Ok, so how long can I pull a Weekend at Bernie’s situation before the smell starts arousing suspicion?
Asking for a friend.

In the video he says “it’s a great funny movie”.
Can it be two things?

Perfect actor for one of the best RR so far. Pre-Kinja commentariat yearn for these. Keep ‘em coming, Will!

House of Tarot Cards

This guy is unwittingly doing a neat impression of a subdued, gentle-talking Dennis Reynolds.

1785 votes
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not much, but always proud to be part of this commentariat

Yeah, I'll stick around, I'll stick around. And learn from all that came from it.

That's what I fear the most. Being more productive.

Woke at the age of 94? As sure as hell, it is not Henry Kissinger.

Finally, I'm not alone!
I know it's not sexy, but being allergic to cold and starting to sneeze a lot is not sexy either.

On one condition.
Everytime, before he speaks in the senate, he must be introduced by a rapping little person.

" a spiritual follow-up to Her Story"
Shut up and take my money!

You misspelled Laura Fucking Linney

wtf is shudder lol

A drawn heart is legally binding and constitutes a flirtationship. I say you have case. Double down on that shit. What can go wrong?

Such a load of crap, but the explanation of "experiental identification" takes the cake. Thousands of movies would fall along these lines, the comparison to a VR experience, "he uses POV shots! omg!"… Soothing and passionate narration can sell any bullshit.

As it happens, I found that woman. Me being 36, with no money, living with my parents. And she didn't care about that. She wouldn't have fall in love with me if I hated myself all the time, I owned my situation to the best of my abilities. Three years together now, and I'm still slowly working on eventually moving in