Baron von Blubba

Somber Cover Girl vs. The Brrrrraaaaaammmmm Guy

this story is more entertaining than the Benji reboot will ever be

How much is Albert Brooks getting paid for this?

This just in from Univision:
El Dawes o Muerte

Dude. Don't make fun of the Paralympics.

Cleveland is second home to Rush. Tha's why they played one of their songs. This article is pure overanalyzing anyway.

Also, they have some of the most punchable faces in millennial history.

…even without the Nintendo-style embellishments.
The writer never played a Mortal Kombat in his life!

Filed Under: Journalzism
Typo? or Journalistic Nazism? YOU DECIDE

well, the press uses the word "comeback" when any famous actor stars in any film after 5 years and even less . Like him or not, Beatty is a hollywood legend, and returns after almost two decades. It could very well be a lukewarm comeback, but a welcomed one to me.

I'll watch it. Even if the movie turns out a to be a Spruce Goose, you don't see a comeback like this everyday, folks.

Is it my turn on the Colbertic Anonymous?
Hi, my name is Baron and I've never missed a show of the Report since 2009, and kept at it through the Late Show. I quit cold turkey over a month ago. Once in a while I still feel the shakes.

Never thought I'd wish to see Cranston in less things.

**stares him out"

grinding through failed puns is my only way to get to Level 2!

- Ryan Murphy

Sounds like too much truffle. Shuffle that thought.

It must be a franchise. There's another band named Heavysaurios in Argentina. Same thing but singing in spanish, of course.

Why Him?
Why not De Niro? Was he busy that month?

Don't go any further.