Baron von Blubba

please, don't stop until GJI goes full on Starwipe

Or the prequel far back in time titled Dinos Are Us

yeah… but we never see plus-sized vampires around, don't we Kitty?

That and "office boss" was the perfect framework for this character. Outside of it it just doesn't work. Plus, there were a lot of nuanced interactions with his colleagues, and this trailer only shows "is-he-an-idiot?" faces. It gets tiring fast.

the most dead-on analogy I heard so far

Me First And The Gimme Gimme's - every punk cover ever

The last I've seen of him was a 1991 movie called The Inner Circle, which I've been trying to find since it came out. My memory of it is that he was absolutely brilliant, but of course the passage of time intensifies my recollections.

I'd like to think Wagner pays employees to mantain that story.

Great Job, Internet!
Check out this rizomatic supercut that pays tribute to cinema history with mixed results

I feel this one would have been made before, anyway, the obvious candidate:

Bondy McBondface

Any Luke Wilson is a dealbreaker for me

Third time in a few days the A.V. Club writers used the word paean
That's it, your badges and guns. Now!

Great Unagi, Internet!

You should check out the Oscars, the Golden Globes and plenty of other awards that celebrate american blockbusters and celebrity status.

Great coverage, Mike!
I'd LOVE to see a movie made by that jury: directed by George Miller, and starring Kirsten Dunst, Valeria Golino, Mads Mikkelsen, and Donald Sutherland.

sadly, few people around here think the same, as the snarktariat focuses on "it's just a document anyway"

Thanks Mike! Don't mind me, I'm just envious of what was obviously a great cinematic experience.

Glad to see D'Angelo got his Ade-gasm.
Now I hope to eventually forget the spoilery "there's a big false climax in the movie".

I love Maren Ade. You wouldn't have heard of her- D'Angelo