Baron von Blubba

Welcome to the club - Adele Dazeem

fhtang the vote!

The AV Club
Oh god dammit. Fine! Fuck it! I'll do it. I don't care anymore!

Except that isn't an interview. It's scripted and edited. It would be more genuine to have him improvise in front of an interviewer in real time.

I was sold on that video from Other Places. I tend to explore as much as I can in videogames, often ignoring the urgency of the linear plot. This series is really well done, and gives me the opportunity to explore games I'd never play.

when did you say was the premiere?

It’s just a flyin’ saucer. We gotta go.

Rent Barchetta

F*ck yeah, Sam Neill as a bearded grumpy old man.
That is all.

I'm seeing it, but still waiting for the prequel with Clarke Peters or GTFO

I'm an adult!

Boy, he sure does not get television anymore

she's the only one playing against type here, so probably I'll check it out

Has anybody seen La femme publique? Two words: Valérie Kaprisky. Your welcome.

Hey, the only reason I clicked was hoping for a BG mention.
I say it stays!

Argentina is definetely not filled with german descendants, there's no need to exagerate to prove a point.
Apart from that, about the escaped nazis… yep, pretty much Perón's fault.

I'd go with Gondry. It would awesome 24/7.

Oh gee, thanks! And glory to Arstotzka to you too!

@Crooked_Paul:disqus @tonyny:disqus
Thank you both for expressing your views, which I share. I too became frustrated reading this review, feeling that it didn't do the show justice. I don't think the reviewer shares our views or gets the show as much as the mayority. This may sound harsh, but he should check

Oh my god, I totally forgot about that game! I've never finished it…
Oh oh! And there was a Star Trek one with klingons too!