Baron von Blubba

Oh Jake Gyllenhaal, you misplaced your french-canadian director! Easy mistake. Denis Villeneuve is the good one. There you go, and don't lose him again.

what's a "sordid sex ring" without some adventurous science-fiction?

and make sure you all keep it that way, thank you very much.

Hey, they couldn't afford 20 bucks to design an animated logo, you want them to come up with actual words? That shit is hard.

yeah, but counterpoint: The Silmarillion

You Only Drive Twice

This article should have only covered that scene alone

Oh yes, that old feeling whenever you murder, chop to pieces and burn a body.
Who hasn't, right? Maybe I should run my own detective agency.

We love the new The Shining video remix, and here's why you should, too.

(btw, this seems crazy, but if you check the top comment on that infamous Dawes article… coincidence??)

Finally someone addresses this theory, which I'm more inclined was the director's intention, but my take is that the end result still doesn't work.
If I remember correctly, Marky watches a scientist basically informing that plants kill people (watch his acting, he seems to be a quack). So Marky just believes him, some

I'll tell what I notice about the Late Show's audience, some laughs seem to be edited, so a humorless joke in a interview gets a roaring. They don't feel organic and they fade fairly quick. but hey, maybe it's me (or the tequila).

Get yer Swiss Army Man Soundtrack right here!

I'm starting to think the marketing team pays people to walk out on
first night, just to create all the hullabaloo. I wasn't interested at
first but now… I must see what's so great about these farts.

I did, thanks! That one was great, plus, the characters were so intertwined with the mechanisms of time-travel, their rich personalities were defined by it.

How can the recent host of the Late Show have any passport problems?
I'm shocked, SHOCKED!

If Primer has become the new standard for time-travel films, I'm out of luck. Though the concept was truly interesting, the lack of character development was a big issue for me and thus I started to resent the movie. If this one also has stick-figure people reciting technobabble, it surely is not for me.

I skimmed through it, just to see where they got it wrong.
In other words: Hollywood

By the looks of it, please tell me this is not a Coherence remake

Cthalinger: High Catcher of R'yeh
now i'm just pushing it

Oh, Ryelly?